The finish touch Lucas Varela

When I sat down before the blank page, I found myself faced with a tricky challenge, the kind that poses enigmas. I had to figure out how to graphically represent the vagueness of cold terms like “cloud file hosting service”. There was no place for my usual parade of robots, monsters and absurdities that I generally post on my Instagram account. So I went down memory lane to the time when I worked as an infographic designer for a newspaper in Buenos Aires. That experience of telling the news with graphics was an exercise in abstraction and synthesis that marked me forever. From an infographic designer’s perspective, it was nothing more than imagining this cornucopia of wonders that is the revolution of informatics communication. It gives us time to have a cup of coffee without hassle. The cat is freaked out, as cats always are, before the invisible forces that surround us.

Lucas Varela

Lucas Varela was born in 1971 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated with a diploma in Graphic Design. After college, he started a career as journalistic infographic designer at the Clarin newspaper. He was awarded the Gold prize for infographics design by the Society of Newspaper Design. In 2014 he moved to France to follow his career as cartoonist and illustration author. Today his works can be found in an array of French and British magazines and newspapers. He continues his weekly collaboration with The Financial Times Magazine, with the French publisher Dargaud and for the Dutch Uncle agency.