Welcome to the Deepverse Giulio Rincione

Wonder, amazement and curiosity discovered. These are the elements that drove me to the conception of illustration. A robot kid and his cyber-puppy (which stand for technology that never ceases growing, evolving) witness astonished a mystical show. A woman stands tall from a gigantic box, a shining figure around which other countless boxes orbit. The woman represents the light of discovery, knowledge, but also and foremost the preservation of what has already been conquered.

Giulio Rincione

Giulio Rincione, class 1990, is a Sicilian comic-strip artist and illustrator. He graduates at the comic strip school of Palermo in 2012, then starts working as colourist for Rizzoli and other minor American publishers. He also founds an independent collective which will have him collaborate with publisher Shockdom in 2014. For Shockdom he designs the “Noumeno” and “Noumeno2” volumes and publishes a variety of graphic novels: “Paranoiae”, “Paperi” “Vite di Carta” (written with his brother Marco), “Condusse Me” and “Il cuore della Città” (by Francesco Savino). Rincione also collaborates with Sergio Bonelli Editore, creating some illustrations for “Orfani”, an album for “4Hoods”, and Dylan Dog (cover color fest 21 “Lo scuotibare”, color fest 24 “L’isola dei Morti”, color fest 34 “speciale su Groucho” , color fest 36 “mr. Punch”). He works with other Italian publishers such as Marsilio, Inkiostro editions, Acheron books. He also collaborates with major international realities such as Marvel, Treyarch and Disney America.